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        Maisonette Muse : Laura Brock

        Husband and wife team Kris and Laura Brock are one of the fashion industry’s most beloved couples, and the masterminds behind Brock Collection, the LA-based womenswear label celebrated for its uncomplicated elegance and timeless, romantic silhouettes. It only made sense that when the couple welcomed their first child, Charlie, the wheels starting turning on a kid’s collection – and Maisonette was lucky enough to partner with the talented duo and watch it come to life. We talked to Laura about her fuss-free classic style, easy West Coast living, and why she couldn’t be more pleased with how the Brock Collection x Maisonette capsule turned out.

        Sarah Noel
        Written By
        Phoebe de Croisset
        You’re someone whose style is so intrinsically linked with the work you do. When you’re not wearing Brock, you ooze its relaxed, effortless beauty, something I think any mom would hope to do! How did you adjust to motherhood with regards to your style?

        I learned quickly that everything must be easy - especially getting dressed. Before becoming a momma, I had more time to think about my outfit, whereas now, I throw on whatever is in my closet. The key to making this look good (and not crazy) is having an edited selection of staples that all work really well together. And always keeping your outfit simple! I rely on separates; denim, shirting, cashmere sweaters, easy coats. And definitely more flats and boots after Charlie!

        What was the biggest surprise about motherhood?

        The amount of love you are capable of giving and receiving - that bit really shocked me. And just how full your heart is. Everyone tells you that, but you don’t understand it until it happens to you.

        One thing you wish you’d known before becoming a mother?

        Not a thing! One of the best parts about becoming a mother is discovering things about life, and about yourself, that you never knew before having a child. I am so grateful to have had the chance to discover these things first hand, as they happened.

        Greatest lesson your own mother taught you about motherhood?

        So many! A happy home is full of laughter, flowers, and wine. Home cooked meals together nightly are a must! 

        Greatest lesson Charlie has taught you?

        I am not sure where he picked this up, but he often says to me, when I’m flustered: “It’s okay Momma!” He’s taught me that life doesn’t have to be perfect. If we have a glitch in our day, he smiles or laughs and reminds me that it's all okay. More than okay. It's all really, really good. 

        Describe an average morning in your home.

        Mornings are wonderfully chaotic! We start out with a breakfast of organic barley or oatmeal, eggs and toast, and coffee for momma. On a morning that we don’t have school, we will ride bikes down the beach to the ferry, and go across to Balboa Island for donuts! 

        How has your move to the West Coast impacted your family?

        Living on the West Coast allows for a nice work/home balance for our family. We work on New York time which means afternoons are free for spending time with Charlie at the beach, or cooking together at home. Plus, living near water and coming home to a serene space definitely helps eliminate the stress of the day! We’re still living in my parent’s house, so we see them all the time – that is really key. And because Kris and I spend a lot of time in New York for work, we really get the best of both worlds.

        Working with a spouse is a particular skill – but you and Kris do it so well. Has it helped you parent together, do you think?

        Kris and I work well together as parents and as partners. In the end, we are working towards the same goal and we always keep this in mind. We count on each other a lot. We try not to bring work home, and the same goes for work – when we’re there, we’re very focused. Of course, girl’s nights are key – we don’t spend every minute together!

        What is your go-to activity when you have a couple of hours to yourself?

        A bath, a glass of red wine and a good book. 

        What is your go-to when you have a couple of work-free, kid-free hours with Kris? Favorite date night spot?

        We like to ride bikes to Lido Village for wine and sushi, and come home with a toy for the babe! We also love Sapori for a quiet dinner, seaside dinner.

        Mama must have?

        Good sheets. They are as important for me as they are for Charlie. And all Dr. Lancer Products - I cannot live without the tinted moisturizer called Dani. Every woman needs it! 

        Skincare and beauty are very important to you. What products did you use religiously during and after pregnancy? 

        While pregnant I used Weleda oil religiously, and now it’s all about a regular routine. I use Dr. Lancer cleanser and polish followed by his Glycol and Nourish Cream, followed by sunscreen every day.

        Mantra/life motto.

        Do you.

        We are SO thrilled about the Brock Collection x Maisonette capsule! Can you tell us how it came about?

        Sylvana came to us with the idea to do a collaboration and it’s always been a dream of ours – we are huge fans of Maisonette. The idea was to have a children's line that reflected our womenswear collection, and also to make sure the pieces worked just as well on boys as they do on girls. What we love about it is how simple it is, and how wearable. We made sure to fit it all on children, which really guaranteed a great fit and the easy look and feel of it. We couldn’t be happier with the result!