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        Maisonette Muse: Meredith Melling

        Meet our very first Muse, Meredith Melling, co-founder of fashion line La Ligne, and lover of all things striped. How does this entrepreneur and mama of three navigate her busy NYC life? It’s all about balance, and a glass of red wine! Shop her favorite Maisonette pieces below!

        How would you describe your style? Do you dress your mini-me to reflect it?

        I would say it’s New Englander; I love an old faithful pair of Levi's, fisherman knit sweater and L.L. Bean tote more than anyone. And a little bohemian too; I love vintage Ossie Clark and Thea Porter. And my everyday uniform always includes a stripe! My 11-year old daughter has her own distinctive style and of late she's starting to steal my stuff, which is very flattering! My son Wolf will pretty much wear whatever I put him in which is nice, although he exclusively likes patterned socks; striped and dinosaurs are great, but a simple, plain sock is a problem! And my youngest girl, India, dresses with a tomboy twist due to the fact that she is inheriting a lot of her brother's clothes.

        How has your style changed since you became a mother?

        Before I was a mother, I had so much time in the morning to experiment with my look. Nowadays, time is of the essence, so I've pared down my closet a lot. I launched La Ligne just in time so I have a chic uniform to rely on each morning.

        Left to their own devices, what are the wackiest looks your children have ever put together?

        My children have a hard time letting go of Halloween. Our costumes have a long shelf life!

        Mama must-have?

        On a very basic, day-to-day level? Coffee. La Colombe is my favorite local go-to and any Starbucks anywhere. I never even drank coffee until I had kids!

        What’s one thing you wish you had known before becoming a mother?

        I wish I had been kinder to myself. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and what I quickly learned about motherhood is that you are going to have off days, you are going to have moments of desperation, you are going to feel like a total failure and THAT IS OK.

        Greatest lesson your own mother taught you?

        Treat others the way you would want to be treated. I think of that every day.

        Emojis that best describe your life as a mother?

        💗 because I am literally so full of love
        🤦 because life with 3 kids (and 3 dogs) is a series of follies
        💩 3 children and 3 dogs, that's a lot of poop
        👊 💪 because I feel so accomplished and strong when I reflect on everything I accomplish in a day
        🍷 because it's something I look forward to at the end of the day