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        Maisonette Muse

        Aurélie Bidermann

        Parisian-born jewelry designer and new maman, Aurélie Bidermann is our latest Muse. Inspired by the jewelry collections of her mother and grandmother, this bohemian artist grew up surrounded by beauty, which developed, a few years ago, into her eponymous jewelry line. Coveted by devoted customers and celebrities alike, her exuberant, whimsical designs remain a favorite for all fashionable women in the know.

        Marko MacPherson
        Jessica Sailer Van Lith
        Written By
        Phoebe de Croisset
        Describe an average morning in the Bidermann household.

        My baby Rose is a wonderful sleeper, so most mornings I wake up before her and shower and get ready while she is still asleep. I’ll have a light breakfast while I read the news and prepare for the day. She usually wakes up around 9:30am and the first thing we do is cuddle. Now she is up and excited and wants to play. I like to have music on in the morning while we play - it helps me start my day in an energetic way, and she loves it too! Then I prepare her breakfast and pick out her outfit for the day, and we always say goodbye with a bunch of kisses. When I leave for work, she will say bye to me from the window. It is the most precious thing and naturally always makes me want to stay longer!

        You’re known for your bohemian-chic style. What are the pieces you gravitate towards for every day?

        For every day, I like to wear a vintage piece mixed with something new. I gravitate towards Acne jeans, a t-shirt and a Ralph Lauren tweed jacket, or sometimes I will pair a vintage Saint Laurent skirt with a Charvet shirt. I accessorize with an assortment of my jewelry pieces depending on my outfit, but I will always wear my 9 personalized gold bangles. Rose loves florals and bright prints, I have this one pair of pajamas she adores, so I try to incorporate florals in my outfits where I can as well.

        Has your style changed at all you had Rose?

        I have stayed true to my style since having Rose. In fact, I may even wear more jewelry! She loves to touch and feel the pieces I’m wearing, especially the charms, like the scarabs, clovers and leaves, which have always been some of my favorite pieces. They are fun for her to admire.

        Your mother and grandmother were both avid collectors of jewelry. How much did that play a role, do you think, in what you decided to do in life?

        Everything! I think I was destined to be a jewelry designer - it is in my blood. My grandmother was incredibly sophisticated and was a collector of fine, bespoke pieces from French jewelry houses in the 50’s and 60’s like Van Cleef & Arpels and Cartier. My mother followed in her path and collected both costume and fine jewelry. I learned at a young age how special jewelry can be, whether it has a personal meaning to you or is made with the most precious materials.

        Who is your style icon?

        The women of family: my grandmother and mother. Their uniquely beautiful and elegant styles have always inspired me.

        Is there one piece of jewelry that sticks out in your memory as the one that inspired you to start designing?

        The piece that distinctly stands out in my mind is one of my grandmother’s bespoke Van Cleef pieces from the 50’s that is now mine. It is the most impressive gold powder box with a gold lipstick box to match - both can be carried in your purse. It has a beautiful engraved pond with ducks and trees encrusted in emeralds and diamonds. On the matching lipstick box is the same duck that you push to open the lipstick. I remember being so fascinated by its beauty when I first saw it; it made me fall in love with jewelry.

        What is the philosophy behind Aurélie Bidermann jewelry? Who are you designing for?

        My collections are a mix of bold, statement pieces in gold with precious gems like rubies or sapphires. It is Parisian-inspired fine jewelry, with no distinction between precious gems and costume jewelry. The pieces are fun and feminine, and I think that is attractive to all women. 

        What is one thing you wish you had known before becoming a mother?

        I don’t wish I knew anything more than I know now. I love taking motherhood day by day and learning from Rose - what she likes, and what she doesn’t like. Every day is a new surprise and I love every minute of it!

        What was the biggest surprise you had after becoming a mother?

        I could have never imagined the overwhelming amount of love I have for my daughter. There is no way to prepare for the feeling I had when I held her in my arms for the first time - absolutely magical!

        Were you nervous about having a child while also running a company? 

        It’s hard to not be a little bit nervous while finding the right balance between work and parenting, but I am very grateful to have such a wonderful team around me. They provide me with so much support that I am able to relax and be present when I am with my baby, rather than worrying about everything happening at the office.

        How has your career helped you as a mother? How does being a mother help you in your career?

        For years, my jewelry line had been my baby. Having something that I am so passionate about has led to me taking an immense amount of care in all the details. It has also taught me the importance of being present. I have always been extremely hands on when it comes to all aspects of the Aurélie Bidermann business, and I take that same approach with baby Rose.

        What was the best parenting advice you ever received?

        For me, it’s not so much about the best advice I received, but more the example my mother set when I was a child. The greatest lesson I could have learned from her was from my own childhood experience. Growing up, my mother was very present. She picked me up from school every day, we spent endless time together, and I cherish all of my childhood memories. I want to be the same kind of mother to Rose.